Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beck vs King

Since Beck wants to reclaim the civil rights movement, and do his little stunt tomorrow, heres a comparison of him to the person he is trying to emulate.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Snippet From Michael Bloomberg

"But if we say that a mosque and community center should not be built near the perimeter of the World Trade Center site, we would compromise our commitment to fighting terror with freedom.

We would undercut the values and principles that so many heroes died protecting. We would feed the false impressions that some Americans have about Muslims. We would send a signal around the world that Muslim Americans may be equal in the eyes of the law, but separate in the eyes of their countrymen. And we would hand a valuable propaganda tool to terrorist recruiters, who spread the fallacy that America is at war with Islam.
Islam did not attack the World Trade Center -- Al-Qaeda did. To implicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American. Today we are not at war with Islam -- we are at war with Al-Qaeda and other extremists who hate freedom.

The members of our military are men and women at arms -- battling for hearts and minds. And their greatest weapon in that fight is the strength of our American values, which have always inspired people around the world. But if we do not practice here at home what we preach abroad -- if we do not lead by example - we undermine our soldiers. We undermine our foreign policy objectives. And we undermine our national security."

Snippet From Michael Bloomberg

"But if we say that a mosque and community center should not be built near the perimeter of the World Trade Center site, we would compromise our commitment to fighting terror with freedom.

We would undercut the values and principles that so many heroes died protecting. We would feed the false impressions that some Americans have about Muslims. We would send a signal around the world that Muslim Americans may be equal in the eyes of the law, but separate in the eyes of their countrymen. And we would hand a valuable propaganda tool to terrorist recruiters, who spread the fallacy that America is at war with Islam.
Islam did not attack the World Trade Center -- Al-Qaeda did. To implicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American. Today we are not at war with Islam -- we are at war with Al-Qaeda and other extremists who hate freedom.

The members of our military are men and women at arms -- battling for hearts and minds. And their greatest weapon in that fight is the strength of our American values, which have always inspired people around the world. But if we do not practice here at home what we preach abroad -- if we do not lead by example - we undermine our soldiers. We undermine our foreign policy objectives. And we undermine our national security."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thought This Was Pretty Funny.

If President Obama is a Muslim, he sure is a bad one.

does not fast during Ramadan
eats pork (ham, hot dogs, bbq), drinks beer
does not get down on prayer rug 5 times a day
has never done a Haj, the required pilgrimage to Mecca
married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony
has only one wife
allows wife to travel alone, showing face, hair and body in sexy clothes
allows wife to shake hands with men and talk with them
had both his daughters baptized
allows his girls to attend school
attended Christian church for 20 years
pushed for and signed the “Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act”
welcomed New Orleans *Saints* (hello??) to White House
gave a medal to woman whose husband died in plane that hit WTC tower
never kissed the Saudi King on both cheeks (as George Bush did)
took the oath of office as a Senator and President on a Bible
has not once set foot in a mosque since becoming President
says Christ is his Savior and Redeemer
opened Easter Breakfast at White House, “welcome, brothers and sisters in Christ”
appointed a JEWISH WOMAN to the US Supreme Court
2009 tax return claims donations to:
– 19th Street Baptist Church
– St. Leo’s Residence for Veterans
– Sidwell Friends School (Quaker)
– St. John’s Church
– Habitat for Humanity (ecumenical Christian ministry)
– The Christopher House (means “Bearer of Christ”)
– Calvary Women’s Shelter
– made zero donations to any Muslim charity

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Will Defend My Country From Within

These armchair faux patriots advocating violence against their fellow Americans and government employees are no better than the Imam pushing their followers to attack Americans abroad.

When some domestic terrorist finally hits his mark, like the guy in Oakland almost did, the Becks of the U.S. are no better than Bin Laden. Someone who rabble rouses his sheeple with his fear mongering. Eventually some weak minded fool will find his mark.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
~Abraham Lincoln